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Il-Festa ta’ San Franġisk

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Għalkemm il-Fraternita ma tiltaqax fix-xhur ta’ Lulju, Awissu u Settembru, iżda tul dawn ix-xhur tas-sajf qed isiru tħejjijiet biex hekk Alla jrid, nieħdu sehem fil-Festa ta’ San Franġisk Missierna. Near it-Tnejn 2 ta’ Ottubru se ssir il-Vestizzjoni ta’ żewġ Aħwa ġodda; Josephine Ellul u Ġemma Vassallo. Il-Vestizzjoni hija l-ewwel pass meta tingħaqad fl-Ordni. Dawn iż-żewġ […]


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Il-Fraternita tal-Ordni Franġiskan Sekular tal-Parrocca tagħna se torganizza nofs ta’ nhar ta’ ġabra, li tibda bis-Sagrifiċċju tal-Ewkaristija u wara jkun hemm Konferenza dwar l-imġieba u l- konverżjoni tagħna f’dawn iż-żminijiet imqaddsa. Il-Konferenza se titmexxa minn Patri Pawl Gatt, OP. Din il-Laqgħa, ta’ nofs ta’ nhar, se tinżamm nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-31 ta’ Marzu (Festa Pubblka), mid-9.30a.m. […]


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Ordni Franġiskan Sekular, Fraternita Sliema Dawn huma d-dati ta’ Attivitajiet li nħajru lill-Aħwa biex jipparteċipaw, apparti mil-Laqgħat ta’ kull nhar ta’ Tlieta: · Ottubru 17. Pellegrinaġġ, Sena tal-Ħniena, Mdina, 6.15p.m. · Novembru 17. S.Eliżabetta, fil-Kalkara. Quddiesa fis-6.00p.m. · Diċembru 9. Servizz Liturġiku tal-Avvent. (Probabbli l-Furjana). · Diċembru 10, 11. Irtir, Ħaż-Żebbuġ. Prezz €35 (jumejn), €15 […]

Litany of Humility – By Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val

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This prayer was written by Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val (1865-1930), the secretary of state for Pope Saint Pius X. It is a very good daily prayer, especially when recited in front of a crucifix so that we can recall the humility of Christ. You should recite the italicized responses (“deliver me, O Jesus” for […]

The Russian Icon that Reveals the Mystery of the Trinity

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The Russian Icon that Reveals the Mystery of the Trinity Held in high esteem by Christians of the East and West alike, this icon is one of the most profound visualizations of the Trinity ever produced By Philip Kosloski May 21, 2016 “It is most absurd and improper to depict in icons God the Father […]


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XI JFISSER TGHADDI MILL-BIEB TAL-HNIENA Siltiet minn diskorsi tal-Papa …Dan is-sinjal kbir tal-ħajja Nisranija mbagħad jinbidel f’ħafna sinjali oħra li huma karatteristiċi tal-Ġublew. Qed jiġini f’moħħi kemm nies se jgħaddu minn xi wieħed mill-Bibien Imqaddsa, li f’din is-Sena huma veri Bibien tal-Ħniena. …Il-Bieb juri lil Ġesù nnifsu li qal: “Jiena hu l-bieb; jekk xi ħadd […]


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In the Morning Lord, it is a new day. You give this day to me as a gift. Empower me to use this day by giving it away to other people—to those who are struggling with pain, to those who are lonely, to those who think that you have forsaken them. And, Lord, let me […]

Good Friday

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On this holy day, let us reflect on who God is calling us to become. Scripture “Pilate asked him, ‘So you are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to […]

Holy Thursday

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Through Baptism, we are committed to living a life of service. Scripture “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured […]