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15 entries.
O'Flynn O'Flynn wrote on March 11, 2017 at 12:09 pm
Wow because this is excellent job! Congrats and keep it up. My web site; check this!
fr. Alex Borg ofm fr. Alex Borg ofm wrote on July 5, 2016 at 7:56 am
Ghadda kollox b'wicc il-gid! Kulhadd kelma wahda: Kellna festa sabiha hafna. Hafna parruccani u mhux taw is-sehem taghhom b'sagrificcji mhux zghar. Jalla dak li ghamilna f'dawn il-jiem, jkompli jghenna s-sena kollha. Zgur li l-Madonna se tkompli tharisna u tghenna. Paci u Gid
Stephen Formosa Stephen Formosa wrote on June 9, 2016 at 9:00 pm
I came across your website because my wife told me about it . I never dreamed that this goldmine was around my corner . Prosit . Well done . Keep it up and invite other parishes/ other parish priests ta'l-unita' to follow your example .
Cecilia Attard Cecilia Attard wrote on June 1, 2016 at 8:19 pm
I am very much impressed by this website. It is so extensive and very informative. It really shows how active and organized the Parish is. Special thanks go to the contributors for their interesting and researched contributions and not least to the administrator. Well done and God bless you all.
Rita Vella Brincat Rita Vella Brincat wrote on May 29, 2016 at 8:19 am
Prosit ħafna Elizabeth tax-xogħol li qed tagħmel.
Anna Maria Madiona Anna Maria Madiona wrote on May 26, 2016 at 7:59 am
Nearly a couple of months ago, our Parish began its own website, which is user friendly and very informative. From week to week there is a PowerPoint with a spiritual thought about the Sunday Liturgy which is prepared by Elizabeth Farrugia. However, since last week, Elizabeth started preparing all the readings of the Sunday Liturgy which one can follow by going to the Parish's website and can easily find them under :-Parish/Liturġija/Għarfien. To tell you the truth, there are various articles of interest. However, lately there was an article about an icon on mystery of the Trinity. I have, for quite many years had a preference to Russian icons. The art of these paintings always impressed me. However, it is very good that one has an explanation of the various emblems and/or symbols that appear on this art work as one can appreciate it more. Well, done to all those that contribute to this website on a regular basis with its varied articles.
Elizabeth Farrugia Elizabeth Farrugia wrote on May 19, 2016 at 6:53 pm
Filwaqt li nirringrazzja lis-Sur Peter Darmanin ghall-apprezzament tieghu ghax-xoghol li qed naghmel. Nixtieq nistedinkom tidhlu liturgija/gharfien sabiex tisimghu il-qari tal-Liturgija tal-Hdud.
Peter Darmanin Peter Darmanin wrote on May 11, 2016 at 5:03 am
Ta kull gimgha nistenna b'herqa il-powerpoint dwar il-liturgija ta' Hadd, Jum il-Mulej. Nixtieq nirringrazzja pubblikament lis-Sinjura Elizabeth Farrugia ghal impenn taghha li ta' kull gimgha taghmel powerpoint dwar il-liturgija tal-Hadd. Dan qed taghmlu b'imhabba kbira, b'missjoni u b'appostolat. Grazzi Elizabeth.
anne barnett anne barnett wrote on April 7, 2016 at 3:21 pm
Greetings from an ex-parishioner. Congrats for such a user-friendly website with lots of information. I might be living far away from Malta but the Sacro Cuor Church and especially the Feast of Our Lady are always in my heart.
fr. Alex Borg OFM fr. Alex Borg OFM wrote on April 6, 2016 at 6:34 am
Peter, l-isbah xewqat. Jalla l-Mulej jkompli jghannik b' kull barka. Prosit tassew tas-sehem li qed taghti fil-parrocca tagħna. Sahhiet lilek u l-familja. Paci u Gid.
John Griffin John Griffin wrote on April 5, 2016 at 11:01 pm
Greetings from a parishioner of St Thomas Moore Parish, Mount Eliza, Victoria Australia. Fantastic website that you have for the parish.
Pauline Darmanin Pauline Darmanin wrote on April 5, 2016 at 7:32 pm
I have to admit I was impressed by the finished product of the Website of the Sacro Cuor Parish. Besides being user-friendly, it is so varied in its content form, presenting information in a fresh approach. Well done to all those who contributed for its set-up and for keeping it 'alive.' It could be an effective tool as a parish-link.
Rita Vella Brincat Rita Vella Brincat wrote on April 5, 2016 at 9:38 am
A very interesting and informative website. Thanks to all who update it regularly. God bless.
Eleonora Eleonora wrote on April 4, 2016 at 7:03 pm
Prosit tassew ta' din il-website interessanti u mimlija informazzjoni. Jiena nghix barra minn Malta, fl-Italja, u bis-sahha ta' din il-website nista' nzomm lili nnifsi infurmata fuq xi jkun qed jigri fil-Parrocca fejn jien twelidt u ghext.
Peter Darmanin Peter Darmanin wrote on April 4, 2016 at 9:20 am
I am very happy to be associated with this website as its administrator. May the good Lord and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart bless our endeavours and bless and protect our Parish.