Posts from June 2016
Is-Sollennita’ Tas-Sultana Tagħna, Tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesu’ – Minn Elizabeth Farrugia
Qari – Il-Liturġija Tas-Sollennita’ Tas-Sultana Tagħna, Tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesu’
Sacro Cuor Church, Sliema, Malta – Produced by Elizabeth Farrugia
A short history of the Sacro Cuor Parish Church, Sliema, Malta and relevant information.
It-Tnejn : Wara l-Quddiesa tas-6.30pm ser jittella’ Programm Vokali u Mużikali mill-Banda Sliema bis-sehem tal-Kor Parrokkjali fejn jitkanta l-Innu l-Kbir lis-Sinjura Tagħna. It-Tlieta: Jum l-Anzjani. Għall-quddiesa tas-6.30pm huma mistiedna l-anzjani fejn wara jkollhom riċeviment fuq iz-zuntier. L-Erbgħa, il-Ħamis, il-Ġimgħa: Jiem tat-Tridu: Fis-5.45pm jingħad ir-Rużarju, fis-6.15pm ikun hemm l-Għasar bil-Malti u wara Quddiesa bi prietka. Wara […]
Before judging others we should look first in the mirror to see how we, ourselves, appear
Before judging others we should look first in the mirror to see how we, ourselves, appear. That’s what Pope Francis said at Monday morning’s Mass at the Santa Marta guesthouse in the Vatican. In his last Mass with a Homily there ahead of the summer break, the pontiff pointed out that what distinguishes God’s judgment […]
How much is a human life worth?
Ethical and effective research does not, and never should, depend on the desecration of aborted human beings.
The Value of a Person :: A Non-Religious Pro-Life Presentation
An argument for the value of an unborn’s life. Covers 4 points that pro-abortion advocates often use, when arguing the right to abort.
The Dignity of Human Life
From the formation of a child’s first tiny cell to life’s final breath, all life has dignity and value because each and every one of us is made in the image of God. And that is why when we talk about being “pro-life,” it’s not just about a political issue. It’s a world view…it’s a […]
Qari tal-Liturġija It -13 il-Ħadd ta’ matul is-sena Sena Ċ – Minn Elizabeth Farrugia
Qari tal-Liturġija tat-13 il-Ħadd ta’ matul is-sena. Sena Ċ Minn Elizabeth Farrugia
It-13 il-Ħadd ta’ matul is-sena – Sena Ċ – Minn Elizabeth Farrugia
Ħsieb spiritwali skont il-liturgija tal-Ħadd. A spiritual thought about the Sunday Liturgy.