Posts from May 2016

110 of 34 items


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It-Tlieta: Fis-7.00pm laqgħa tal-O.F.S. dwar ‘Wara l-Qawmien’. Fis-7.15pm tingħad it-talba tar-Rużarju fit-Triq Karmnu kantuniera ma’ S.Gjaċintu. Ser jibdew t-tberik u ż-żjarjat tal-familji fi Triq S. Duminku. Dawk il-persuni li joqgħodu fi Triq Viani u għal xi raġuni ma ġejnix inżurhom għandhom jgħamlu appuntament fl-Uffiċċju Parrokkjali. L-Erbgħa: Jitkomplew l-Erbgħat tal-Madonna ta’ qabel il-festa. Fis-6.30pm Quddiesa bi […]

THE MAKING OF ICONS – By Rita Vella Brincat

by Administrator

Icons The icon is always a panel of a selected wood. Not every wood is suitable for an icon. The iconographer usually selects a wood without a resin in it, it is seasoned, boiled in hot water to kill every residue of resin in it. The wood has to be perfect. The wood for the […]

Should We Really Spend So Much on First Communion?

by Administrator

When children and families are more excited about the clothes and the party than about receiving Jesus, it should give us pause By Salvador Aragones. May 18, 2016 It is the season of First Communions, as thousands and thousands of children from all over the world approach the altar to receive Jesus for the first […]

Dan huwa l-Kapitlu Nazzjonali Elettiv tal-O.F.S. 2016/19

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Dan huwa l-Kapitlu Nazzjonali Elettiv tal-O.F.S. 2016/19 Ministru Nazzjonali: Tony Vella Segretarju Nazzjonali: Godwin Vella Clark Vici Ministru Nazzjonali: Joe Aquilina Ekonomu Nazzjonali: Franca Zammit Formazzjoni: Joyce Zammit Kunsillier Nazzjonali: Godwin Vella Clark Sub. Kunsillier Nazzjonali: Tony Vella Kunsilliera Nazzjonali: Manuel Muscat; Joe Gatt; RAY ZAMMIT

Litany of Humility – By Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val

by Administrator

This prayer was written by Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val (1865-1930), the secretary of state for Pope Saint Pius X. It is a very good daily prayer, especially when recited in front of a crucifix so that we can recall the humility of Christ. You should recite the italicized responses (“deliver me, O Jesus” for […]