Posts from August 2016

1120 of 20 items

Pope Francis preaches forgiveness in Assisi with colloquial gesture

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Pope Francis employed a colloquial hand gesture as he preached forgiveness Thursday during a pilgrimage to his namesake’s hometown. The pope acknowledged the difficulty of granting forgiveness during remarks inside the St. Maria of Angels Basilica, saying off the cuff, “It is difficult to forgive. How much it costs us to forgive the others. Let’s […]


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Nawguraw l-festa t-tajba lill-komunita Karmelitana u l-parruċċani tal-Balluta. …………………………………………………………………… Nixtieq ninfurmakom li din il-ġimgħa ltaqa' l-Kunsill Pastorali Parrokkjali biex jevalwa d-deċizjoni tal-egħluq tal-M.U.S.E.U.M. Min-naħa tiegħu, il-Kunsill se jaghmel dak kollu li hu possibbli biex it-tfal subien tal-Parroċċa tagħna jibqgħu jirċievu t-tagħlim nisrani fil-Parroċċa tagħna. Inħeġġukom ħafna biex tinqgħadu magħna fit-talb biex jintlaħaq dan il-għan qaddis. […]

Pope Francis names new commission to study women deacons

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Pope Francis names new commission to study women deacons Vatican announces major step in examining role of diaconate of women in the early Church By Diane Montagna. August 2, 2016 VATICAN CITY — The Vatican announced today that Pope Francis will institute a commission to study the diaconate of women. “After intense prayer and mature […]