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by Administrator

  L-Abbatini u z-Zghazagh tal-Parrocca taghna se jergghu jorganizzaw id-Dramm tal-Passjoni ghal Gimgha Mqaddsa, nhar is-Sibt 13 ta’ April, 2019, fis-7.30 ta’ filghaxija. Inheggu lil kull membru tal-Parrocca biex jippartecipa bhala spettatur waqt dan id-Dramm biex naghtu xhieda hajja tat-twemmin li nhaddnu fit-toroq taghna u anki biex naghtu kuragg u nuru l-apprezzament taghna lejn l-Abbatini […]

The Dignity of Human Life

by Administrator

From the formation of a child’s first tiny cell to life’s final breath, all life has dignity and value because each and every one of us is made in the image of God. And that is why when we talk about being “pro-life,” it’s not just about a political issue. It’s a world view…it’s a […]

Confession Explained

by Administrator

Why do Catholics confess to a priest? Can’t they just go straight to Jesus? If you don’t know the answer, or if you’re not sure why Catholics do this, check out this straight-shot explanation.