Posts from October 2017

1119 of 19 items


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“Jiena Maghkom Dejjem’’: Il-Logo gdid tal-Parrocca 1. Il-Pasta Night: B’risq il-kunvent kienet 830 Ewro. U l-Gabra Specjali ta’ Ottubru kienet 487.46. Nirringrazzjawkom. 2. Bolol tac-Centinarji bil-Logo Ufficcjali: Ikkuntatjaw lil Brian Vigar. 3. Festa ta’ San Frangisk ta’ Assisi Patrun tal-Ambjent: Mil-10 sal-15 ta’ Ottubru 2017. Segwu l-Programm. Is-Sibt: Purcissjoni. Il-Hadd: Tberik tal-Annimali. 4. L-Erbgha, 11 […]

On reading books that transform you – By Tod Worner

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Amidst the stacks and stacks – and stacks – of papers I have in my library, I happened across a piece by one of my favorite thinkers, Fr. James Schall. If you are not acquainted with Fr. Schall, I consider him the closest living writer (in keen insight and sheer output) to G.K. Chesterton. He […]

LITURGY Q & A: Prayers of the Faithful

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Fr. Edward McNamara Says They Should Not Be Too Vague, Not Too Personal October 3, 2017Fr. Edward McNamaraLiturgy Q-and-A Answered by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and dean of theology at the Regina Apostolorum university. *** Q: At the intercessions, should the lay faithful keep their petitions more broad (i.e., for […]

From Fatima to the Eucharist: The science of miracles

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Can a scientist believe in miracles? This physicist does! By Robert Kurland Sunday, October 01, 2017 “Miracles always relate to the faith. That is why a belief in miracles is not a vacation from reason, a little holiday from the tedious demands of rational responsibility. Not only is it reasonable to believe that miracles can […]