Posts from March 2016

110 of 39 items

Bill Clinton

by Administrator

It-Tielet Ħadd ta’ l-Għid (Sena Ċ). Riflessjoni fuq l-Evanġelju ta’ San Ġwann (21:1-19) minn Dun Pawl Camilleri. Video iffilmjat u editjat minn George Palmier. Iżjed riflessjonijiet fuq l-Evanġelju issibuhom fil-Youtube Channel – Parrocca Iklin Malta. F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù raġa’ deher lid-dixxipli ħdejn il-baħar ta’ Tiberija. Dehrilhom hekk: Xmun Pietru, Tumas, li jgħidulu t-Tewmi, Natanjel minn […]


by Administrator

In the Morning Lord, it is a new day. You give this day to me as a gift. Empower me to use this day by giving it away to other people—to those who are struggling with pain, to those who are lonely, to those who think that you have forsaken them. And, Lord, let me […]


by Administrator

F’isem il-Fraternità Franġiskana u dik parrokkjali, nawguraw lil kulħadd u Grazzi mill-qalb lil dawk kollha tul dawn il-jiem li għaddew b’xi mod għenu il-Għid it-Tajjeb biex il-funzjonijiet u l-attivitajiet irnexxew. Minn nhar it-Tnejn il-Quddiesa ta’ filgħaxija ser tibda tkun fis-6.30pm. Il-Ħamis : Fil-5.30pm – Adorazzjoni f’ġieħ il-Ħniena Divina. Fis-7.00pm Lectio Divina. Il-Ġimgħa : L-ewwel Ġimgħa […]

Online Retreats for Children

by Administrator

Online Retreats for Children Fostering Catholic Identity and Discipleship Christ Our Life: New Evangelization Edition offers five online retreats for children, families, and parish and school communities. The retreats align with the liturgical year and emphasize Catholic identity and discipleship. The retreat includes everything you need: activities, project templates and instructions, prayer service, supplies lists, […]

Arts & Faith: Easter Sunday

by Administrator

Canterbury Cathedral, detail of Redemption Window (center), Corona Chapel, East End Corona I, detail of the Resurrection of Christ, Gothic stained glass, c. 1200–1207, England. Arts and Faith-Lent Canterbury Cathedral’s Corona Chapel includes an early 13th-century stained-glass depiction of the Resurrection. As with all stained glass, the role of light is an integral part of […]