Posts from January 2016

1120 of 52 items


by Administrator

Nagħtu merħba lil Fra Lorrie Zerafa, li minn din il-ġimgħa inqagħad mal-Fraternità Franġiskana tagħna. It-Tlieta: Fis-6.00pm jkomplu ż-żjarat u tberik tal-familji fi Triq Ġanni Benċini. L-Erbgħa: Il-Kummissjoni Anzjani ser torganizza ikla għall-anzjani. Tluq fid-9.30am mis-Savoy Bus Stop. Il-Ġimgħa: Fis-6.30pm ser issir Adorazzjoni fil-kappella ta’ S. Baskal organizzata mill-Ordni Franġiskan Sekular. Il-Ħadd li ġej ser niċċelebraw […]

Stations of the Cross for Children

by Administrator

Stations of the Cross for Children Praying the Stations of the Cross—alone or with a group—is a Lenten tradition. Read and pray these stations very slowly. Imagine the scene in Jerusalem as Jesus walked his Way of the Cross. Often, the Stations of the Cross is an action prayer. Catholics walk to the fourteen stations […]

Pope overturns tradition to allow women in Lenten foot-washing rite

by Administrator

Thursday, January 21, 2016 Pope overturns tradition to allow women in Lenten foot-washing rite Pope Francis hasoverturned centuries of tradition that banned women from a foot-washing service during Lent, upsetting conservatives and delighting women’s rights activists. Until now, only men or boys were formally allowed to take part in the service, in which a priest […]

Meta jaqleb aħdar.

by Administrator

It-Tielet Ħadd matul is-Sena (Sena Ċ). Riflessjoni fuq l-Evanġelju ta’ San Luqa (1:1-4; 4:14-21) minn Dun Pawl Camilleri. Video iffilmjat u editjat minn George Palmier. Iżjed riflessjonijiet fuq l-Evanġelju issibuhom fil-Youtube Channel – Parrocca Iklin Malta. Bosta kienu dawk li ħadu f’idejhom ix-xogħol li jiġbru bl-ordni f’rakkont wieħed il-ġrajja li seħħu fostna, kif għaddewhom lilna […]