Malta is favoured by this celebrity national poet Dun Karm Psaila, God’s gift to the Maltese poetry and Christianity. His other masterpiece is this one « ′Tina l-Hlewwa »(eng.: “Give us the Sweetness or Lovability”), to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which in Malta’s Churches became the Hymn to the Lord’s Heart, resonanced throughout the Maltese Islands since, not only every year on the Solemnity of this Great Devotion, not only every First Friday of the month but also all year round during special Holy Masses and as a Holy Communion Hymn. This way, Maltese reverence the most Sacred Heart of Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist and in our lives.
May the Lord Jesus Christ spread His Love from His Most Sacred Heart, the Source of Love, on all of us, who sing unto Him with true and contrite hearts. Glory be to His Name for eternity! Amen! Hallelujah!