A Family Prayer

williams-prayerChildren … Adults
Praise be to God … who made us a family.
Praise be to God … for the love that we share.
Praise be to God … for sending us Jesus.
Praise be to God … for teaching us to care.

Help us, Lord Jesus … fill our lives with your Spirit.
Help us, Lord Jesus … teach us how to forgive.
Help us, Lord Jesus … grant us wisdom and patience.
Help us, Lord Jesus … in your grace may we live.

Come, Holy Spirit … fill our lives with your gifts.
Come, Holy Spirit … help us serve other’s needs.
Come, Holy Spirit … teach us faith, hope, and love.
Come, Holy Spirit … guide our thoughts and our deeds.

Be with us, God … we ask Mary to help us.
Be with us, God … we look to Joseph for aid.
Be with us, God … may we respect one another.
Be with us, God … may our hope never fade.

Hear us, Lord Jesus … watch over our family.
Hear us, Lord Jesus … help our faith to grow strong.
Hear us, Lord Jesus … come and dwell in our hearts.
Hear us, Lord Jesus … to you we belong.

Spirit, we praise you … you invite us to know you.
Spirit, we praise you … may we walk in your light.
Spirit, we praise you … may we find you in all things.
Spirit, we praise you … all day and all night.