Fil-Vatikan: Jinfetaħ il-Bieb tal-Ħniena


Għexieren ta’ eluf ta’ devoti ppakkjaw kull rokna ta’ Ruma biex jaraw il-Papa Franġisku jiftaħ il-‘Bieb tal-Ħniena’ fil-ħitan tal-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru, bħala bidu għall-Ġublew straordinarju tal-Ħniena.

L-ewwel devoti kienu ilhom miġburin fi Pjazza San Pietru mis-sigħat bikrin ta’ filghodu biex jaraw tradizzjoni ta’ sinifikat kbir reliġjuż li ilha stabbilita għal 700 sena. L-awtoritajiet jikkalkulaw li madwar 50,000 persuna, fosthom mijiet ta’ kardinali, isqfijiet u membri tal-ordnijiet reliġjużi attendew għal dan l-avveniment fil-Belt tal-Vatikan, li qed ikun suġġett għal miżuri tas-sigurtà bla preċedent wara l-aħħar sensiela ta’ attakki terroristiċi madwar id-dinja.

Qabel fetah il-bieb tal-Hniena, il-Papa Franġisku ċċelebra quddiesa fi Pjazza San Pietru. Hu fetah il-bieb bil-messaġġ Latin – ‘Iftħu għalija Bibien tal-Ġustizzja’. Il-filmati taċ-ċerimonja xxandru madwar id-dinja bil-ftuh tal-Bieb tal-Ħniena jissimbolizza stedina tal-Knisja lid-devoti biex iġeddu r-relazzjoni tagħhom ma’ Alla.

Pope Francis pushes open the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica, formally launching the Holy Year of Mercy, at the Vatican, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015. The 12-month jubilee emphasizes what has become the leitmotif of his papacy: to show the merciful and welcoming side of a Catholic Church more often known for its moralizing and judgment. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Pope Francis pushes open the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, formally launching the Holy Year of Mercy, at the Vatican, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015. The 12-month jubilee emphasizes what has become the leitmotif of his papacy: to show the merciful and welcoming side of a Catholic Church more often known for its moralizing and judgment. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Pope Francis pushes open the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica, formally launching the Holy Year of Mercy, at the Vatican, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015. The 12-month jubilee emphasizes what has become the leitmotif of his papacy: to show the merciful and welcoming side of a Catholic Church more often known for its moralizing and judgment. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Pope Francis pushes open the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, formally launching the Holy Year of Mercy, at the Vatican, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015. The 12-month jubilee emphasizes what has become the leitmotif of his papacy: to show the merciful and welcoming side of a Catholic Church more often known for its moralizing and judgment. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)